SolanaBull Validator Security Policy

Physical and network security
Our validator runs on high-performance servers hosted on advanced server platforms, providing a robust hardware and network foundation for Solana’s infrastructure.

Controlled access and key management
We enforce strict service access control, allowing only pre-approved IP addresses and white SSH keys. Our inference keys are securely stored offline, eliminating any risk of exposure to the network.

Constant monitoring and security protocols
Our dedicated operations team provides 24/7 monitoring of both software and hardware metrics, proactively maintaining optimal performance and security. We utilise standard Linux security features including secure kernel updates, SSH key management and strict open port control. All security keys are replaced when new machines connect, and we never grant access to third parties.

Protection of user funds
All user funds are fully protected by the Solana protocol. The validator has no access to user funds and betting rewards, which are automatically replenished every epoch.